Alabama Saltwater Fishing Limits
Recreational Size and Creel Limits for Alabama State Waters
(Includes inshore waters and Gulf Waters out to 9 miles offshore)
This is not an official copy of the laws or regulations. This explanation of the laws and regulations is correct as of the date specified. Before taking part in this fishery please call 251-861-2882 or 251-968-7576 for updated information. It is the fisherman’s responsibility to know the laws and regulations in effect at any given time.
To see an image of the fish, all you have to do is hover on the area or click on the section.

Size Limit: 12" Min FL Daily Creel Limit: 10 per person

Size Limit: 14" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 10 per person

Size Limit: 16" Min. - 26" Max. TL Daily Creel Limit: 3 per person - 1 oversized fish allowed in the 3 fish creel limit.

Size Limit: 33" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: 2 per person

Size Limit: 24" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: 3 per person

Size Limit: None Daily Creel Limit: 15 per person

Size Limit: 12" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 3 per person

Size Limit: 24" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 2 per person

Size Limit: 20" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 2 per person

Size Limit: 24" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: 4 per person

Size Limit: 20" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 4 per person

Size Limit: 16" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 4 per person

Size Limit: 34" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: 1 per person

Size Limit: 16" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: 2 per person

Size Limit: 14" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 2 per person

Size Limit: 12" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 10 per person

Size Limit: 18" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 3 per person

Size Limit: 14"-22" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: Reef Fish Aggregate

Size Limit: 14"-22" Min. FL Daily Creel Limit: Reef Fish Aggregate

Size Limit: 27" Min. CFL Daily Creel Limit: No Creel Limit

Size Limit: 27" Min. CFL Daily Creel Limit: No Creel Limit

Size Limit: 16" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 2 per person State and Federal Waters

Size Limit: 10" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 10 per person

Size Limit: 8" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: Reef Fish Aggregate

Size Limit: 12" Min. TL Daily Creel Limit: 10 per person

Size Limit: None Daily Creel Limit: 1 per person per day

Size Limit: None Daily Creel Limit: 1 per person per day

Size Limit: 78" min. FL Daily Creel Limit: 1 per person per day
(#) Alabama state waters open and close along with federal regulations. Click here for the NOAA Fisheries Bulletin detailing new openings and closures
*** Mixed species grouper aggregate creel limit: 4 per person (No more than 2 red and 2 gag grouper may be included in grouper aggregate.)
**** Only two Striped Bass are allowed within MRD Jurisdiction.
***** There is a 20 fish aggregate creel limit for reef fish species (for example, grunts, porgies, gray triggerfish, lane snapper, etc.) for which there is no other bag limit.
****** Oct. 24 - Dec. 31, 25 mullet per person from the shoreline or 25 per boat. No mullet by cast net or snagging in Theodore Industrial Canal, Dog River, Fowl River, and their tributaries.
ALL OTHER SHARK SPECIES: For other sharks not listed above, the size limit is 54" min. FL (30" dressed) with a Daily Limit of 1 person per day.
Goliath Grouper (Jewfish), Nassau Grouper, Atlantic Angel Shark, Bigeye Sand Tiger Shark, Bigeye Thresher Shark, Bignose Shark, Caribbean Reef Shark, Caribbean Sharpnose Shark, Galapogos Shark, Narrowtooth Shark, Night Shark, Sevengill Shark, Sixgill Shark, Dusky Shark, Longfin Mako Shark, Sand Tiger Shark, Basking Shark, Whale Shark, White Shark, SmallTail Shark, Smalltooth Sawfish, Largetooth Sawfish, Spotted Eagle Ray, Atlantic Manta Sandbar Shark (unless the fisherman possesses a NOAA Fisheries sandbar shark research permit.)